But this is a little ridiculous!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
New Look!!!
I've got a new look!!
What do you think?
Many, many thanks to Brittney from Sue Bell Blog Designs! I would recommend her in a heart beat for a fresh new do! I think I submitted an order form on Tuesday evening, and here I am Thursday night with a completely updated look. What an awesome turn around! Brittney's super talented and so helpful in getting your ideas onto "paper" with her creative mind.
I could not be more pleased!
What do you think?
Many, many thanks to Brittney from Sue Bell Blog Designs! I would recommend her in a heart beat for a fresh new do! I think I submitted an order form on Tuesday evening, and here I am Thursday night with a completely updated look. What an awesome turn around! Brittney's super talented and so helpful in getting your ideas onto "paper" with her creative mind.
I could not be more pleased!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Not a normal weeks folks, Part 2
Our AC is out. We are not catching a break this week, huh?
I got home from work and thought that our AC just could not keep up with Charleston's 105 degree heat index while Mr. Contractor worked on our kitchen floor (with the back door open, and if you read yesterday's post, by default, the freezer/ fridge door open as well, haha). Not so, my friends. I turned the AC down as soon as I walked in the door to 65 hoping to freeze everything in the apt, but four hours later, the thermometer is still sitting heavy at 80 degrees. No fun.
However, despite my woes, other than the quirks of the apt, I can't complain. In the interim, I've definitely been sampling some great grub around town with no kitchen. Unfortunately, though, its been a week + since I've last exercised as well so I'm likewise staying away from the scales. . . but there's always next week. . . right?
My big news is that the ole blog is getting a little face lift. For the past few nights, I've been tweaking with the HTML code. (By the way, did you see my new signature?? All completed by yours truly!!) However, after several "umm what am I doing" moments, I've finally given in and agreed to let someone else figure out this crazy computer code and make it pretty for me. I should have majored in computer science. Anyways, I can't wait for the updated look to be revealed in the next week or so. Stay tuned!! (And officially click "follow me" if you aren't!! I want to know who you are!)
I got home from work and thought that our AC just could not keep up with Charleston's 105 degree heat index while Mr. Contractor worked on our kitchen floor (with the back door open, and if you read yesterday's post, by default, the freezer/ fridge door open as well, haha). Not so, my friends. I turned the AC down as soon as I walked in the door to 65 hoping to freeze everything in the apt, but four hours later, the thermometer is still sitting heavy at 80 degrees. No fun.
However, despite my woes, other than the quirks of the apt, I can't complain. In the interim, I've definitely been sampling some great grub around town with no kitchen. Unfortunately, though, its been a week + since I've last exercised as well so I'm likewise staying away from the scales. . . but there's always next week. . . right?
My big news is that the ole blog is getting a little face lift. For the past few nights, I've been tweaking with the HTML code. (By the way, did you see my new signature?? All completed by yours truly!!) However, after several "umm what am I doing" moments, I've finally given in and agreed to let someone else figure out this crazy computer code and make it pretty for me. I should have majored in computer science. Anyways, I can't wait for the updated look to be revealed in the next week or so. Stay tuned!! (And officially click "follow me" if you aren't!! I want to know who you are!)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Not a normal week, folks
I guess I'm just going to have to accept the fact that this week is just going to be 100% atypical.
As you can see from yesterday's post, my kitchen/ dining room/ laundry room/ downstairs half bath is in shambles. As the stove/oven range is currently sitting in the living room, we're having to eat out all week. . . which I enjoy on eating out on occasion, but not every night. The contractor moved our fridge to the laundry room (thankfully still plugged in) but we can't open our backdoor without opening both the fridge and freezer doors to squeeze by. And with the washer/ dryer outside on the back patio with the toilet, I don't think too much laundry is going to get done this week either. Our house is a WRECK!
As atypical, to not mention that last night I went out for drinks and a business dinner with some of our agent partners and office associates. It was a pretty casual affair at Taco Boy, a great restaurant/ bar with a fun atmosphere and delicious food. One of our associates is headed back to our NY office so our gathering was a little bit of a bon voyage send off. We had a great time but let me tell you, going out on a Monday evening has thrown me for a curve ball. I woke up today convinced it should be at least Thursday, It's only Tuesday?? You've got to be kidding me. . . totally in the running for the longest week ever.
As you can see from yesterday's post, my kitchen/ dining room/ laundry room/ downstairs half bath is in shambles. As the stove/oven range is currently sitting in the living room, we're having to eat out all week. . . which I enjoy on eating out on occasion, but not every night. The contractor moved our fridge to the laundry room (thankfully still plugged in) but we can't open our backdoor without opening both the fridge and freezer doors to squeeze by. And with the washer/ dryer outside on the back patio with the toilet, I don't think too much laundry is going to get done this week either. Our house is a WRECK!
As atypical, to not mention that last night I went out for drinks and a business dinner with some of our agent partners and office associates. It was a pretty casual affair at Taco Boy, a great restaurant/ bar with a fun atmosphere and delicious food. One of our associates is headed back to our NY office so our gathering was a little bit of a bon voyage send off. We had a great time but let me tell you, going out on a Monday evening has thrown me for a curve ball. I woke up today convinced it should be at least Thursday, It's only Tuesday?? You've got to be kidding me. . . totally in the running for the longest week ever.
Monday, July 26, 2010
When Good Kitchens Go Bad . . .
You get to rearrange your once lovely dining room. . .
You get your washer/ dryer in the dining room. . .
AND, you get extra seating on your patio. . .
It's going to be an interesting week around our neck of the woods!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Peach Cobbla'
As I mentioned before, I have been cooking up a storm this summer. With the bounty of the summer's harvest at our finger tips, how could you not enjoy it?! My time in the kitchen has been an attempt to showcase the summer super stars, specifically tomatoes and peaches.
Lee's Brothers Cornmeal-Drop Biscuit Peach Cobbler
(Click the link above for the recipe; I was going to post it but the ingredient's list is too much to type right now)
As I mentioned here, Luci and I set out a few weeks ago to find the perfect Peach Cobbler recipe. I am convinced peach cobbler is one of the simplest, yet most impressive desserts! We've done a few different recipes- this one from Cooking Light, and most recently, this one pictured below from the Lee's Brothers for their Cornmeal-Drop Biscuit Peach Cobbler. . .
I can't say which one I am most partial too, because they are both fantastic and very different! I will saw the Cooking Light one is more of your 'traditional' cobbler. The Lee's bros below mixes things up a bit with the cornmeal. You must try one of them; they are both just wonderful desserts that will have everyone coming back for one more bite!
I can't say which one I am most partial too, because they are both fantastic and very different! I will saw the Cooking Light one is more of your 'traditional' cobbler. The Lee's bros below mixes things up a bit with the cornmeal. You must try one of them; they are both just wonderful desserts that will have everyone coming back for one more bite!
Lee's Brothers Cornmeal-Drop Biscuit Peach Cobbler
(Click the link above for the recipe; I was going to post it but the ingredient's list is too much to type right now)
Some photo fun of my recreation. .
Letting my peaches soak in some lemon juice and brown sugar while I prepared the dry ingredients . .
I'm not crazy about peach skins when I eat peaches raw or in cereal or yogurt, but in this cobbler, I think you can go either way. I left them on for convenience sake, and I'm under the impression that it did not make a difference at all.
The finished product, all golden brown and delicious!
Be sure to keep the dough patchy so the fruity syrup bubbles through. I think it makes for quite an effortless presentation as well!
In the photos above, with my not so fabulous camera, I halved the recipe. Here's a picture from someone's fancy camera. To serve with a little vanilla ice cream or whip cream, I'd say you have a very simple, yet very impressive dessert!! Mmmmmmm!!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I actually enjoy Mondays.
Is that weird?
I'm aware that general consensus is that most people hate Mondays, but there's something about Mondays that I really like.
(I know, at this point, you are probably concerned RE my sanity. . . But, I write this with full honesty, and promise this crazy summer heat has not been getting to me!)
Why are Mondays so great? You start the week off with a blank slate! A fresh start, new beginnings, the chance to make it a great week, the opportunity to tackle the day and week ahead. Must be the optimist in me, but I like to think each week is going to be better than the last. I'm more confident in my new(ish) position in work, feel more informed about decisions I'm making, and ready for the challenges ahead of me.
But, as much as I think I'm prepared for the week ahead, it's immediately obvious that things are going to pop in that I hadn't planned for. How I envision my week going Monday morning at 9:00 is subsequently completely different than how it ends Friday at 5:00. But I like that. I like the spontaneity. It doesn't bother me to have to all of a sudden drop everything and deal with an new and more imperative challenge. I think a little spontaneity, coupled with a lot of flexibility, is key to life!
And after work, during random, spur of the moment things is fun!! Who cares if that laundry waits one more day while you instead join a friend for a walk or for a glass of wine at happy hour? I guarantee that memory with a dear friend far outshines the memory of laundry. That's how I've been trying to live my summer. That's also probably why I haven't been the best blogger. :)
So in light of a love for Monday and sponteneity, here's some random, non-sensical thoughts I've been thinking lately:
-I have got to stop texting while driving.
-Why is tipping sometimes so awkward??? I just got a pair of pants hemmed. . . Should I have tipped the seamstress? What about getting a car wash?? Am I alone thinking it's super awkward?
-The Great Kombucha Crisis of 2010 is KILLING me. Come on, GT, put it back on the shelves! Backstory for you non-Kombucha-ers: Kombucha is a fermented Chinese tea with renown for its desirable health benefits. Though no major scientific tests have been run, it is heralded in the non-scientific kingdom for restoring balance and vitality of its consumers, giving energy, helping with digestion, miraculously curing hangovers, and making people feel great all over. This Kombucha crisis is a result of damn Lindsey Lohan. (Seriously. I knew I never liked her. Grr.) Apparently, Ms. Lohan's anti-alcohol/rehab bracelet went off one day when she was consuming said heavenly beverage. Well, indeed, Kombucha is a fermented tea- so by default- contains trace amounts of alcohol. . . but less than 0.005% per 16 ounces. I'd wager a fair sum and a half to assume that Ms. Train Wreck Herself most likely took her Kombucha a la Vodka, but what do I know? I read People! Now high and mighty gov't officials are examining Kombucha to ensure it does not need to be labeled differently. And to cover their own liabilities, all retails have pulled them off the shelves, and Kombucha is no where to be found. Its a sad, sad summer. . .
-We've had some monster summer storms lately. It makes sleeping a little difficult when your house is shaking from thunder and room is as bright as day from lightning, but man, I love a good thunder storm.
-I just finished the best book! You have got to put this to the top of your summer reading if you have not read it already. It is amazing.
-Kleenex is one luxury I hope I never have to live without. Seriously. Probably use at least 5 a day.
-I've been to the dentist MORE in the past month than I have in two years. Two cavities and one gross tooth that was bothering because of decay. Yuck. I swear I brush my teeth twice, sometimes three times, a day. This morning thankfully was my last treatment, when I had the last cavity filled. It reminded me of that awesome youtube video David at the Dentist. Have you seen it? I posted it below for your viewing pleasure. It is so awesome!! That's pretty much how I felt today. The right side of my month was numb until almost 3:00.
So that's my random thoughts about Monday (on a Tuesday) and life. . . Enjoy!
Is that weird?
I'm aware that general consensus is that most people hate Mondays, but there's something about Mondays that I really like.
(I know, at this point, you are probably concerned RE my sanity. . . But, I write this with full honesty, and promise this crazy summer heat has not been getting to me!)
Why are Mondays so great? You start the week off with a blank slate! A fresh start, new beginnings, the chance to make it a great week, the opportunity to tackle the day and week ahead. Must be the optimist in me, but I like to think each week is going to be better than the last. I'm more confident in my new(ish) position in work, feel more informed about decisions I'm making, and ready for the challenges ahead of me.
But, as much as I think I'm prepared for the week ahead, it's immediately obvious that things are going to pop in that I hadn't planned for. How I envision my week going Monday morning at 9:00 is subsequently completely different than how it ends Friday at 5:00. But I like that. I like the spontaneity. It doesn't bother me to have to all of a sudden drop everything and deal with an new and more imperative challenge. I think a little spontaneity, coupled with a lot of flexibility, is key to life!
And after work, during random, spur of the moment things is fun!! Who cares if that laundry waits one more day while you instead join a friend for a walk or for a glass of wine at happy hour? I guarantee that memory with a dear friend far outshines the memory of laundry. That's how I've been trying to live my summer. That's also probably why I haven't been the best blogger. :)
So in light of a love for Monday and sponteneity, here's some random, non-sensical thoughts I've been thinking lately:
-I have got to stop texting while driving.
Yes. Funny to joke about, but a serious prob in my life. WHY am I so dependent on my phone? Facebook and texting can wait until my destination!!!
-Why is tipping sometimes so awkward??? I just got a pair of pants hemmed. . . Should I have tipped the seamstress? What about getting a car wash?? Am I alone thinking it's super awkward?
I'd probably put a confused smiling beneath this :) haha
-The Great Kombucha Crisis of 2010 is KILLING me. Come on, GT, put it back on the shelves! Backstory for you non-Kombucha-ers: Kombucha is a fermented Chinese tea with renown for its desirable health benefits. Though no major scientific tests have been run, it is heralded in the non-scientific kingdom for restoring balance and vitality of its consumers, giving energy, helping with digestion, miraculously curing hangovers, and making people feel great all over. This Kombucha crisis is a result of damn Lindsey Lohan. (Seriously. I knew I never liked her. Grr.) Apparently, Ms. Lohan's anti-alcohol/rehab bracelet went off one day when she was consuming said heavenly beverage. Well, indeed, Kombucha is a fermented tea- so by default- contains trace amounts of alcohol. . . but less than 0.005% per 16 ounces. I'd wager a fair sum and a half to assume that Ms. Train Wreck Herself most likely took her Kombucha a la Vodka, but what do I know? I read People! Now high and mighty gov't officials are examining Kombucha to ensure it does not need to be labeled differently. And to cover their own liabilities, all retails have pulled them off the shelves, and Kombucha is no where to be found. Its a sad, sad summer. . .
Enjoy jail Linds!!! Thanks for also locking up Kombucha with ya!
-We've had some monster summer storms lately. It makes sleeping a little difficult when your house is shaking from thunder and room is as bright as day from lightning, but man, I love a good thunder storm.
-I just finished the best book! You have got to put this to the top of your summer reading if you have not read it already. It is amazing.
You've been warned: you will not be able to put this down. And your life will be changed. For the better. You will be inspired.
-Kleenex is one luxury I hope I never have to live without. Seriously. Probably use at least 5 a day.
-I've been to the dentist MORE in the past month than I have in two years. Two cavities and one gross tooth that was bothering because of decay. Yuck. I swear I brush my teeth twice, sometimes three times, a day. This morning thankfully was my last treatment, when I had the last cavity filled. It reminded me of that awesome youtube video David at the Dentist. Have you seen it? I posted it below for your viewing pleasure. It is so awesome!! That's pretty much how I felt today. The right side of my month was numb until almost 3:00.
So that's my random thoughts about Monday (on a Tuesday) and life. . . Enjoy!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Its Been Too Long. . .
My sincere apologies for the sparse posts lately. Life's gotten in the way of blogging, but I guess that's a good thing.
I just had an amazing, low key weekend. I was finally in town- after countless weekends straight of being on the road. It was *amazing.* I'd almost forgotten what it was like to sleep in on Saturday, have no agenda, and completely lounge around on a Sunday afternoon. One thing that's great about being in town for a weekend is that I never feel like I'm playing catch up on Sundays and Mondays. This morning, I feel so relaxed and ready to take on the world!
Four girlfriends came into town for the weekend, and let me tell you, quality time with girlfriends in the best! We ate some great meals around town, went to the beach, went out dancing- it was so fun! (Pictures to follow.) And I got to do a bunch of organizing and cleaning around the house that I've been meaning to do for the longest time. I'm glad to check that off the To Do list!
I've got a lot of posts on my mind that I want to share, hopefully this week will leave me more time for blogging!! I've been cooking up a storm this summer and have some delicious recipes to share. Hope you fellow readers have been doing wonderful and enjoying the summer as much as I have. Don't leave me for my lack of posts! :)
I just had an amazing, low key weekend. I was finally in town- after countless weekends straight of being on the road. It was *amazing.* I'd almost forgotten what it was like to sleep in on Saturday, have no agenda, and completely lounge around on a Sunday afternoon. One thing that's great about being in town for a weekend is that I never feel like I'm playing catch up on Sundays and Mondays. This morning, I feel so relaxed and ready to take on the world!
Four girlfriends came into town for the weekend, and let me tell you, quality time with girlfriends in the best! We ate some great meals around town, went to the beach, went out dancing- it was so fun! (Pictures to follow.) And I got to do a bunch of organizing and cleaning around the house that I've been meaning to do for the longest time. I'm glad to check that off the To Do list!
I've got a lot of posts on my mind that I want to share, hopefully this week will leave me more time for blogging!! I've been cooking up a storm this summer and have some delicious recipes to share. Hope you fellow readers have been doing wonderful and enjoying the summer as much as I have. Don't leave me for my lack of posts! :)
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The Fourth!
Happy Birthday America!! What a great, fun- filled weekend it was! I love that patriotism in America seems so high right now with the World Cup, Fourth, and support for our troop in Afghanistan and Iraq.
I got to spend the holiday weekend with those dearest to me- my family, boyfriend, boyfriend's family, and best friends.
On Saturday, we headed out in the boat for a day on the water and sandbar.

Hope everyone had a great, great fourth!
I got to spend the holiday weekend with those dearest to me- my family, boyfriend, boyfriend's family, and best friends.
On Saturday, we headed out in the boat for a day on the water and sandbar.
After a great day on the water, we refreshed up and had a delicious supper of Frogmore Stew before heading out to Wahoo's to listen to a fun band and walk along the board walk.
Sunday, we headed out in front of Lash's family's beach house to celebrate the fourth. Check out all of our loot! haha. Complete with a KFC bucket, Bud Light, and a watermelon. . . pretty American, huh?
At 2:00 pm, a C-17 military jet began their fly-over from Myrtle Beach to Hilton Head filming footage to send to the troops over at war. The beaches were PACKED with literally swarms of people waving American flags. It was beautiful seeing the love and support of fellow Americans. What a neat tribute to send to our heros! I hope the video warms their hearts.
After all day Saturday and Sunday in the sun, we were pretty beat. We did manage to go watch the fireworks, but after that called it a night pretty early. Here's the last shot of my handsome man :)

Hope everyone had a great, great fourth!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Summer Stir Fry
I'm not sure where I've been lately, but I recently discovered The Pioneer Woman. I've heard other blogs and Facebook friends reference her on occasion, so after checking out her website a time or two, I knew I had to try a recipe. And this, my friends, did not disappoint!
Its her Summer Stir Fry, and boy is it delicious, especially with these fresh fresh veggies in season! After a glutenous Fourth of eating and drinking, both to excess, I was really looking for a light, refreshing, healthy supper tonight. I didn't change her recipe very much- just used a tad less butter and more EVOO, and seasoned it at the end with the juice of one lemon and some minced fresh basil. You need to try it asap!
P.S. I really like the PW's cooking blog because she takes awesome step- by- step photos when she's cooking. So if you are ever not quite sure what it is supposed to look like, or what something means, she's got a picture for you. Now, however, I wish I had that fancy schmancy camera so I could do likewise!
Photo Courtesy of The Pioneer Woman
Its her Summer Stir Fry, and boy is it delicious, especially with these fresh fresh veggies in season! After a glutenous Fourth of eating and drinking, both to excess, I was really looking for a light, refreshing, healthy supper tonight. I didn't change her recipe very much- just used a tad less butter and more EVOO, and seasoned it at the end with the juice of one lemon and some minced fresh basil. You need to try it asap!
P.S. I really like the PW's cooking blog because she takes awesome step- by- step photos when she's cooking. So if you are ever not quite sure what it is supposed to look like, or what something means, she's got a picture for you. Now, however, I wish I had that fancy schmancy camera so I could do likewise!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Thursday Blahs. . .
Its been a long day.
I had to go to the dentist this morning. And if you think going to the dentist is never fun, try going at 7:30 am. My last appointment was a year ago (tsk, tsk, I know). They told me I had two cavities then, but I refused to believe them. Well, after being unable to chew on the left side of my mouth for the last two weeks because of pain, I relented to their dental expertise and made an appointment. Ugh. My dentist is great, and she did a great job on the fillings. . . but listening to a drill and being poked and prodded was just not the most enjoyable way to start off the day.
Then its raining. . . which is fine because its cooling off these 95 degree days we've been having. . . but all I want to do is put on my PJs and curl up with a good book. My mom just passed down to me, "The Same Kind of Different as Me" and I have been dying to read it. I've heard such great things about it.
Ok and lastly, I realized that today is July 1. Summer slow down!! It's going to be football season before we know it. And if you are bored of my blahs by now, yes, I'd love some cheese with my w(h)ine.
I'm hopeful these Thursday Tiresomes will yield a Fantastic Friday. I have a lot to be thankful for. Our office is closing tomorrow at 3 pm and we're off Monday. Hallelejah long weekend! And I get to spend it with some of my very best friends, my family, Lash, and his family while we are on the water soaking up the sun. I'm just being a little impatient and am ready for it to get here now!!!
Just keep swimming. . .
I had to go to the dentist this morning. And if you think going to the dentist is never fun, try going at 7:30 am. My last appointment was a year ago (tsk, tsk, I know). They told me I had two cavities then, but I refused to believe them. Well, after being unable to chew on the left side of my mouth for the last two weeks because of pain, I relented to their dental expertise and made an appointment. Ugh. My dentist is great, and she did a great job on the fillings. . . but listening to a drill and being poked and prodded was just not the most enjoyable way to start off the day.
Then its raining. . . which is fine because its cooling off these 95 degree days we've been having. . . but all I want to do is put on my PJs and curl up with a good book. My mom just passed down to me, "The Same Kind of Different as Me" and I have been dying to read it. I've heard such great things about it.
Ok and lastly, I realized that today is July 1. Summer slow down!! It's going to be football season before we know it. And if you are bored of my blahs by now, yes, I'd love some cheese with my w(h)ine.
I'm hopeful these Thursday Tiresomes will yield a Fantastic Friday. I have a lot to be thankful for. Our office is closing tomorrow at 3 pm and we're off Monday. Hallelejah long weekend! And I get to spend it with some of my very best friends, my family, Lash, and his family while we are on the water soaking up the sun. I'm just being a little impatient and am ready for it to get here now!!!
Just keep swimming. . .
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