I am just wrapping up week two of Jillian Michael's The Shred, and I LOVE it. Y'all, if you need a good workout regime to follow, this comes highly recommend.
Her workout DVD is only 20 minutes long. 20 minutes! If it was any longer, I can promise you I would never do it and it would stay wrapped in that pretty plastic base. But, it is so easy to find 20 minutes to squeeze into your day.
The video has three levels, and while each level increases the intensity and challenge, it sticks to 3 basic circuits of: 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abs. All you need is hand weights and a mat! However, don't get me wrong. The 20 minutes is INTENSE. You don't stop moving the entire time.
I'm happy to report I've seen some positive results, too! I feel great, my clothes are fitting better, and getting on the scales isn't so painful anymore. I've lost three pounds in two weeks, which I think is a pretty reasonable and healthy weight loss. . . especially considering that last weekend, I threw all dieting rules out the window when I got together with great friends from college. Let me tell you, too much beer Friday night led to a hangover bacon, egg, and cheese bagel hangover breakfast Saturday, and for some reason I didn't look back from that unhealthy binge all week. Needless to say, I had to reevaluate my goals on Sunday when I got home. hehe:)
I will say, however, that I have not been following Jillian's "diet" plan because it sounds disgusting. And unreasonable. Her weekly meal plan (besides the aforementioned salmon-- side note, thanks for the recipe ideas!!) include unusual items like curried swordfish and lamb kebobs. First, while that buying fresh produce and other healthy items can be more expensive that say, gushers, I don't think that it should have to break the bank. Case in point, though I like lamb, I am NOT buying it weekly. And second, I'm an admitted food snob, but I still believe that it is a reasonable expectation that healthy food should and can taste good!
I don't think "dieting" should mean eating strange foods or depriving oneself of great tastes.
So I've just kind of been making up my own plan. . . using Cooking Light recipes or recipes from a great book by Ann Kulze called "Dr. Ann's 10- Step Diet" It's all about your own personal wellness, and why you should eat certain foods and avoid others. My plan is simple, realistic, and flexible. . . and I think when you are trying to cut back a few LBS, you gotta do what works for you!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Whew, sorry for the lack of posts this week! It's been crazy week! I had a big annual review at work on Friday, so I have had to spend most of the week soul searching and thinking back over the last few months. I find it incredibly difficult to believe that this time last year I was a senior in college, enjoying those last few moments at school. One thing I have realized is that life in the real world FLIES by. I thought college went fast. . . man, it is nothing compared to the working world.
On a positive note, I'm still really enjoying my job. Of course, being excited about going to work some days is easier than others, but I think that is part of the deal. Thankfully, most mornings, I do wake up pretty excited about what the day could hold. I laugh at how I used to plan my course load at Wofford so I could space out my classes and not have to spend one. whole. afternoon. in class. What a joke!! Now, I have 9-5 day (at a minimum)- no question! I swear college students have no idea how great they have it. . . hehehe
One thing I must tell you all about is the great site I've found called Restaurant.com. I love to eat out and try new foods and flavors, but I hate paying ridiculous prices! So, voila! A solution!
All you have to do is type in your zip code and the search engine pulls up all these great deals that local restaurants are sponsoring. And you can purchase discounted gift certificates to restaurants as well. I think typically you can get $25 gift certificates for $10 (and so on), but it must have been my lucky day last week because I purchased 2 $25 gift certificates for $2 EACH! Wooo Hoo! So tonight I'm going to test it out and make sure this deal of the decade is no scam! I can't wait.
On a positive note, I'm still really enjoying my job. Of course, being excited about going to work some days is easier than others, but I think that is part of the deal. Thankfully, most mornings, I do wake up pretty excited about what the day could hold. I laugh at how I used to plan my course load at Wofford so I could space out my classes and not have to spend one. whole. afternoon. in class. What a joke!! Now, I have 9-5 day (at a minimum)- no question! I swear college students have no idea how great they have it. . . hehehe
One thing I must tell you all about is the great site I've found called Restaurant.com. I love to eat out and try new foods and flavors, but I hate paying ridiculous prices! So, voila! A solution!
All you have to do is type in your zip code and the search engine pulls up all these great deals that local restaurants are sponsoring. And you can purchase discounted gift certificates to restaurants as well. I think typically you can get $25 gift certificates for $10 (and so on), but it must have been my lucky day last week because I purchased 2 $25 gift certificates for $2 EACH! Wooo Hoo! So tonight I'm going to test it out and make sure this deal of the decade is no scam! I can't wait.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Lash and I have been regularly attending St. Michael's Epsicopal Church, and love the church home away from home it is becoming. We've started going to this class/dinner and a movie called Alpha on Tuesday nights, and it has been a great way for us to meet people in the Charleston area outside of work, school, and our Wofford bubble.
Tonight's lesson was on prayer, and they played this youtube video there. I thought it was absolutely hysterical and had to share. Enjoy!
Tonight's lesson was on prayer, and they played this youtube video there. I thought it was absolutely hysterical and had to share. Enjoy!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Spring Fever
Right now, I would do anything in the world to be here:
I can't stand winter and cold weather. I'm ready to get out to the beach and on the water, wear flip flops and summery dresses, and get some Vitamin D! I had last Monday off for Presidents Day so I went to Target and TJ Maxx to kill some time and do some shopping. It was great to see all the colorful springy clothes, but obviously I noticed how unbelievably pale I am.
Come on warm weather!!
I can't stand winter and cold weather. I'm ready to get out to the beach and on the water, wear flip flops and summery dresses, and get some Vitamin D! I had last Monday off for Presidents Day so I went to Target and TJ Maxx to kill some time and do some shopping. It was great to see all the colorful springy clothes, but obviously I noticed how unbelievably pale I am.
Come on warm weather!!
There Is Nothing More Annoying Than. . .
. . . not being able to find your TV remote.
It has been missing since last week, and we can not find it ANYWHERE. I'm a channel-surfer, so this is driving me nuts. . . though settling in on the Olympics has not been too miserable :) Go USA!! Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!
It has been missing since last week, and we can not find it ANYWHERE. I'm a channel-surfer, so this is driving me nuts. . . though settling in on the Olympics has not been too miserable :) Go USA!! Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Birthday Week
Last week was my 23rd birthday week here at "Oh, the Place We'll Go." Though I don't love being the center of attention, I do love to celebrate birthdays because it is so special to bring my friends and family together.
My actual birthday was Wednesday, but because so many people in the office are constantly traveling, we celebrated at PURE on Monday. We ordered a delicious lunch from Red Orchid Chinese Bistro (seriously one of Charleston's best kept secrets), and my boss's wife baked me a homemade apple pie. YUM!!
On Tuesday, my mom, dad, sister, and grandmother all came to Charleston for a the night. They stayed at one of my parents' best friends second homes, and it was so great to spend time with them (and spread out in a big house!) My mom cooked us a fabulous meal, and we sat around the dinner table drinking wine, laughing, and telling stories until 10. That's one of my favorite ways to spend an evening :)
Here are some pictures:

Wednesday, my actual birthday, I had the great privilege of working from home in the morning! I LOVED IT! What a treat to be able to work in your PJS and be in your own home! It totally spoiled me. . . and after that, I took a half day that afternoon to maximize the birthday fun. Unfortunately, Luci had to go back to Wofford, my dad to work, and my grandmother home but my mom and I had some wonderful bonding time. We went on a long walk, relaxed, shopped, and had a great birthday dinner at Rue De Jean.
It was perfect!! Though I will say that I am so glad birthday week only comes once a year because as noted yesterday, I've had to jump on The Shred to recover!! :)
My actual birthday was Wednesday, but because so many people in the office are constantly traveling, we celebrated at PURE on Monday. We ordered a delicious lunch from Red Orchid Chinese Bistro (seriously one of Charleston's best kept secrets), and my boss's wife baked me a homemade apple pie. YUM!!
Note: Please disregard the funky angle of the picture and the bags underneath my eyes. Not only was it Monday, but also the day after the Super Bowl. . . . . . .
On Tuesday, my mom, dad, sister, and grandmother all came to Charleston for a the night. They stayed at one of my parents' best friends second homes, and it was so great to spend time with them (and spread out in a big house!) My mom cooked us a fabulous meal, and we sat around the dinner table drinking wine, laughing, and telling stories until 10. That's one of my favorite ways to spend an evening :)
Here are some pictures:
My Momma and My Poppa
(I think my mom looks gorgeous in this picture!)
(I think my mom looks gorgeous in this picture!)
Red Velvet Cake is my favorite!! Action shot... hahaha
Happy Birthday Cheers with my sister!
After a little too much food, wine, and laughter at the table. . .
Wednesday, my actual birthday, I had the great privilege of working from home in the morning! I LOVED IT! What a treat to be able to work in your PJS and be in your own home! It totally spoiled me. . . and after that, I took a half day that afternoon to maximize the birthday fun. Unfortunately, Luci had to go back to Wofford, my dad to work, and my grandmother home but my mom and I had some wonderful bonding time. We went on a long walk, relaxed, shopped, and had a great birthday dinner at Rue De Jean.
It was perfect!! Though I will say that I am so glad birthday week only comes once a year because as noted yesterday, I've had to jump on The Shred to recover!! :)
Monday, February 15, 2010
Does anyone have any good (good meaning light and healthy) salmon recipes they could share with me?
Today, I started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I have decided that finally, after five years, it is time to shred those freshmen lbs from college.
I have been mentally gearing up for this for a few days now because birthday week was not good on my waistline and it finally was the straw that broke the camels back. So moving on, this morning, I was ready to begin. Yesterday, I took all the measurements and fitness tests that she outlines in her book, and was prepared to start "making the cut" (so cheesy) exercise video and diet plan.
And, WOW, let me tell you, I forgot what a pain in the BUTT dieting is. It is not easy!!!!
Anyways, tonight her Jillian's instructions and according to her recipe, I grilled some salmon for dinner. And it was not good. Maybe because it is a "diet" recipe, but y'all, I hate how grilling salmon makes your house smell ROTTEN. (We don't have an outside grill so I just use a Griddler.) I'm going to feel so bad when my roommate comes home and gets a whiff of this. . .
I was able to save the salmon with some thai chili sauce, but that is NOT Jillian approved. So, help a sista out, salmon comes up on the menu twice a week!
Today, I started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I have decided that finally, after five years, it is time to shred those freshmen lbs from college.
I have been mentally gearing up for this for a few days now because birthday week was not good on my waistline and it finally was the straw that broke the camels back. So moving on, this morning, I was ready to begin. Yesterday, I took all the measurements and fitness tests that she outlines in her book, and was prepared to start "making the cut" (so cheesy) exercise video and diet plan.
And, WOW, let me tell you, I forgot what a pain in the BUTT dieting is. It is not easy!!!!
Anyways, tonight her Jillian's instructions and according to her recipe, I grilled some salmon for dinner. And it was not good. Maybe because it is a "diet" recipe, but y'all, I hate how grilling salmon makes your house smell ROTTEN. (We don't have an outside grill so I just use a Griddler.) I'm going to feel so bad when my roommate comes home and gets a whiff of this. . .
I was able to save the salmon with some thai chili sauce, but that is NOT Jillian approved. So, help a sista out, salmon comes up on the menu twice a week!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
I've been reading all about the Smowmaggedon/ Snowtorious B. I. G. that swept Washington, D.C. last week and was really excited to hear that Charleston might actually get some winter weather this weekend. Well, the weatherman had it right on Friday! It actually snowed in the Lowcountry.
Lash and I after a yummy supper at Basil:
Here is a picture of my house in the snow. However, the Lowcountry is totally NOT prepared for snow and our electricity went out probably an hour and a half after it began and did not come on again until 5 am!
So, we didn't want to open the fridge and spoil our food- so we had a makeshift cooler on our patio furniture. (P.S. Can't wait for summer so we can grill out in our little courtyard-- isn't it adorable?)
This would have been a really cute picture but the snow flake covering the right side of my face kind of messed that up!
So, because of the snow/ no- electricity situation, Lash, my roommate, her boyfriend and I decided to have a night in. . . complete with mexican train dominos :) (Note: I have a beautiful glass dining room table that I did not want to scratch with dominos so I covered the table with towels)
It was so fun!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Surprises :)
Today was kind of a long day at work, because I keep eagerly awaiting an announcement that we were closing early due to the inclement weather approaching. Needless to say, it didn't happen but TGIF and hooray for snow anyways!
Well, I got home, ran upstairs to put my bags down, and found this:
Lash snuck into my apartment with our spare key and surprised me with my favorites! Tulips, milk duds, and DDP? I am a happy girl!!! And, he is a keeper for sure!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Well, I got home, ran upstairs to put my bags down, and found this:
An early Valentine's day surprise!!!
Lash snuck into my apartment with our spare key and surprised me with my favorites! Tulips, milk duds, and DDP? I am a happy girl!!! And, he is a keeper for sure!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Monday, February 8, 2010
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things
I'm so excited to hear and see that people are reading my blog! A special shout out goes to those of you who have left comments or clicked the official "follow" button. What an honor! And, those of you who have left a post on my Facebook wall or seen me in person and told me you are reading, it means so much to me. . . Thank you!! :)
It really is neat seeing how blogs get passed along to friend of friends or visited by the random passerby. So even though I honestly have no idea who all actually reads this mess, I am flattered you are here, and my curiosity of who exactly you are hasn't killed this cat quiet yet! However, I would love to hear from you!! Leave me a comment with what your own blog is, your favorite blog, how you found me, or just saying hi! (P.S. thanks Nola Girl for the post idea!)
Also, in honor of these new readers that have shown up on ClustrMaps or Google Analytics (I've turned into a tech junkie.. who would have thought!), I thought I'd do a little post to get to know me better. . . through my favorite things!! Though I'm no Oprah, here's a list of eight creature comforts that I reallllly enjoy in this world. Warning, this post is not to be taken too seriously as these are very material. . . and in no particular order.
1. Cooking Light Magazine- Cooking with healthy flair AND you get to keep all the flavor- what's not to love?!
2. Mentholatum- The Best Chapstick- in the world.
3. Ugg Bedroom Slippers- So comfortable and so warm. My feet are happy!
4. Kombucha- Try one, and your life will be changed. Instant cure for any ailments, gives you TONS of energy plus all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you need. A miracle.
5. Heating Pads- Heaven in a blanket.
6. MacBook- I <3 Apple.
7. Pashminas- A great accessory, especially in the winter to spice up a drab winter day!
8. Patagonia Fleeces- I practically live in mine in the winter (aside from the 9-5 business casual attire).
It really is neat seeing how blogs get passed along to friend of friends or visited by the random passerby. So even though I honestly have no idea who all actually reads this mess, I am flattered you are here, and my curiosity of who exactly you are hasn't killed this cat quiet yet! However, I would love to hear from you!! Leave me a comment with what your own blog is, your favorite blog, how you found me, or just saying hi! (P.S. thanks Nola Girl for the post idea!)
Also, in honor of these new readers that have shown up on ClustrMaps or Google Analytics (I've turned into a tech junkie.. who would have thought!), I thought I'd do a little post to get to know me better. . . through my favorite things!! Though I'm no Oprah, here's a list of eight creature comforts that I reallllly enjoy in this world. Warning, this post is not to be taken too seriously as these are very material. . . and in no particular order.
1. Cooking Light Magazine- Cooking with healthy flair AND you get to keep all the flavor- what's not to love?!
2. Mentholatum- The Best Chapstick- in the world.
3. Ugg Bedroom Slippers- So comfortable and so warm. My feet are happy!
4. Kombucha- Try one, and your life will be changed. Instant cure for any ailments, gives you TONS of energy plus all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you need. A miracle.
5. Heating Pads- Heaven in a blanket.
6. MacBook- I <3 Apple.
7. Pashminas- A great accessory, especially in the winter to spice up a drab winter day!
8. Patagonia Fleeces- I practically live in mine in the winter (aside from the 9-5 business casual attire).
Things That Make You Say "Awwwww!"
Hooray for the Saints for pulling off the victory last night! And for Mr. Brees being an adorable family man! How cute is he with his son and gorgeous wife!
Don't you know New Orleans had a great time last night celebrating!? I wish I was going to be going to Mardi Gras again this year, but I will be making the trek to the Bayou in April for a bachelorette party and in June for a wedding so I can't whine too much. Regardless, WHO DAT!
Don't you know New Orleans had a great time last night celebrating!? I wish I was going to be going to Mardi Gras again this year, but I will be making the trek to the Bayou in April for a bachelorette party and in June for a wedding so I can't whine too much. Regardless, WHO DAT!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Super Bowl Sunday
Though I think Peyton Manning is a great guy, tonight I will be screaming "Geaux Saints!!" Why? Because I'm pulling for the city, the people that deserve this championship more than anyone in the world.
Per Lash's request, I have been making Emeril Lagassi's Roasted Asian Chicken Wings all afternoon. This is a completely new experience for me as I have never made wings, but all the reviews from Food Network says it's "BAM" good!! :)
I've had a little bit of trouble getting the sauce to thicken, but thankfully managed to pull it off with google and a cornstarch slurry. Online, it estimates that it should take about 1 hour and 20 minutes to cook. . . well, I'm on my third hour so these things BETTER turn out!
Anyways, hope everyone has a wonderful evening-- whether you are watching the game for the football or the commercials!
Per Lash's request, I have been making Emeril Lagassi's Roasted Asian Chicken Wings all afternoon. This is a completely new experience for me as I have never made wings, but all the reviews from Food Network says it's "BAM" good!! :)
I've had a little bit of trouble getting the sauce to thicken, but thankfully managed to pull it off with google and a cornstarch slurry. Online, it estimates that it should take about 1 hour and 20 minutes to cook. . . well, I'm on my third hour so these things BETTER turn out!
Anyways, hope everyone has a wonderful evening-- whether you are watching the game for the football or the commercials!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Happy Lost Y'all!!
My roommate and I are having a season premiere party right now and in honor of it, made "Dharma Wine!" Haha we are so cool, but I hope everyone has a good night!!
Monday, February 1, 2010
LOST is almost here :)
Have you noticed the LOST widget on my blog?!? YEAH!! We are entering the final 24 hours until the greatest show on TV returns for its sixth and final season! The end of the fifth season left us loyal 'losties' completely mind-bloggled by its brilliance and begging for more.
I can't wait to see how the creators, writers, and producers wrap it up in the final 16 episodes. The finale was such a cliff-hanger that I have no clue what to expect this time around! There are just so many questions left unanswered and mysteries to be solved. . . but that's why I like it. It's smart. It makes me think.
Besides LOST (and Jeopardy, too), I don't have any regularly scheduled TV shows that I have to watch. But I can guarantee that from now until season 6's end in May (sob), I probably will not be blogging on Tuesday nights unless I can somehow get it in after work and before it starts. And I promise, that this Tuesday night for the 3 (!!!!) hour premier, my phone will be OFF! (Okay, probably on silent). Sorry, LOVE YA, but I've waited 9 months for this blessed event.
Does anyone else have a TV show they are as passionate about as me? It is so silly, but so fun!!
P.S. If you are thinking about starting LOST this season, don't!! Part of the brilliance of the show is watching it progress and seeing how the writers layer plots, characters, interactions on top of each other.
I can't wait to see how the creators, writers, and producers wrap it up in the final 16 episodes. The finale was such a cliff-hanger that I have no clue what to expect this time around! There are just so many questions left unanswered and mysteries to be solved. . . but that's why I like it. It's smart. It makes me think.
Besides LOST (and Jeopardy, too), I don't have any regularly scheduled TV shows that I have to watch. But I can guarantee that from now until season 6's end in May (sob), I probably will not be blogging on Tuesday nights unless I can somehow get it in after work and before it starts. And I promise, that this Tuesday night for the 3 (!!!!) hour premier, my phone will be OFF! (Okay, probably on silent). Sorry, LOVE YA, but I've waited 9 months for this blessed event.
Does anyone else have a TV show they are as passionate about as me? It is so silly, but so fun!!
P.S. If you are thinking about starting LOST this season, don't!! Part of the brilliance of the show is watching it progress and seeing how the writers layer plots, characters, interactions on top of each other.
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