Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Buried In A Book: Redeeming Love

When I get really into a book, I tuned everything else out.  I love to sit by myself, sometimes for hours, and get completely lost in someone else's story.  I majored in English in college, and honestly, I got a little burnt out reading for "work."  I'm so glad to be out of school and be able to focus on what I want to read, versus what I'm required to read!!

Currently, I am fascinated with Francine River's Redeeming Love.  I'd heard so much wonderful things about this book, and knew it would eventually make its way to my reading list.  What a pleasant surprise when my sister showed up with a copy in hand earlier this summer! 

Have you read it? You definitely should!

Set in the 1850s in the height of the California Gold Rush, Redeeming Love is a historical romance that parallels the book of Hosea from the Bible.  I am captivated by the story. . . the themes of unconditional love, grace, forgiveness.  Rivers' words hold your attention and touch your deepest emotions. . . . it makes you think about your life and how you react to those around you and you love.  I started it earlier this week, and have stayed up way too late two nights in a row reading, but I cannot put it down!   I cannot wait to see how it ends, but I also really don't want it to end! It is a must read!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I read it during spring semester my senior year at Wofford... in a weekend. I was completely lame and just could not put the book down at all. When Scott deployed, we thought it would be a cool idea to read some books "together" during the year. We started off with good intentions and then life got in the way. But, I did send him a copy of Redeeming Love in his first care package and every night when he got off work, he would read until he got tired. When he talked to me in the morning, his time (afternoon/night my time), he would tell me how far he read and I would catch up to him before I went to bed. He even got really into it!
