Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thoughts on Thursday

- This week has been miz. Sometimes growing up is not that much fun.  TGI(Almost)F.

- My sister Luci is coming to visit tomorrow for the weekend!!!! I cannot wait for her to get here and to experience Charleston's Wine + Food Fest! Given everything that is going on, this bonding is exactly what the doctor ordered.

- The Pioneer Woman posted some of her favorite cooking blogs today.  I am now following every one of them.  Hopping on the band wagon, I know.

- Also obsessed with Young House Love.  As Lash and I have been looking for our first place to call home, I want to be thrifty and crafty and DIY-y.  Love them.

-  Speaking of thrifty, in February, I saved over 57% on my grocery bill using coupons.  Can I get an amen?!?  I am so addicted.

- I unfortunately discovered the adorable clothing store Boden.  This discovery has totally outweighed any coupon 'savings' from above... but everything in moderation, right?  Ok, plus, I got these adorable tops for 20% off + free shipping!

- I 100% should be writing thank you notes from the linen shower last weekend, not blogging.  

- Happy almost Friday!

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