Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Happy 2010!
I'm heading off to Cola for NYE tomorrow night and plan on hanging out in the lowcountry for the weekend. I can't believe that 2009 is already coming to a close. What a year it has been! For starters, I graduated college, got a job, moved to Charleston, and got my insurance license. I can't wait to see what 2010 has in store. . . though I do still have to work on my new year's resolutions!!
Happy New Years everyone!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Merry Merry!
We had the best Christmas at Laurel Spring. All 21 of my dad's family (cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents) were there, and it was wonderful (and chaotic!!) to all be together under one roof for the better part of a week and a half. There's nothing like family being together- the close relationships, good food, and tons of fun. My dad's fam is quite the active bunch so our many activities included: shooting skeet, quail hunting (I got two!!), having a ladder ball tournament, playing games, walking twice a day, going to a debutante ball (all 21 of us), four-wheeling, and horseback riding.
It really was incredible to be away and have family time. . . especially since many of the cousins now have graduated, gone to college/ graduate school, gotten jobs far away, etc. We don't get to see each other as often as we used to so the time together is certainly appreciated. Also, several of the cousins' "significant others" (including Lash :)) were able to join us for a few days. And, big news, my cousin Dargan's boyfriend proposed to her while we were there! It certainly was a Christmas to remember. I know we are all excited about the wedding and being together again this summer for it and our week at DeBordieu.
I'm now back in Charleston, unfortunately down for the count with a pretty nasty cold. Too much fun and Christmas I guess, but thankfully the doctors in the fam were able to give me an antibiotic and other drugs so hopefully I will be on the rebound in no time. (Specifically before NYE If I had it my way! I'm trying to find a miraculously cheap flight to Chattanooga or possibly be able to drive 7 hrs. .. .)
Anyways, I'm flying solo in Charleston this week and don't have any plans so I'll probably be blogging frequently. Lash is in Nebraska hunting with his family and Leah is skiing in Colorado. So, anyone have any good movie recommendations??? (Ahem, you should leave a comment--- this is my shameless plug). I recently joined NetFlix and am definitely going to be hitting up that membership this week! Hope the last few days of 2009 are wonderful for everyone!!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Police Report
As many of you may known, I never check my VM. However, today I was at work and received a voicemail from an unknown number. Because I had no idea who it was from, I figured I probably should check it out. Well, good thing I did because it was from the Charleston police department saying that they are investigating an incident that happened at my apartment.
(First, why would they ever leave that on someone's VM recorder-- that's a recipe for a heart and an anxiety attack!!I)
Naturally, I start freaking out, thinking someone has broken into my apartment, something is terribly wrong, someone has been hurt, or worse-- terrible things are running through my head. . . My fingers are shaking and my heart is pounding as I call the number back for an hour trying to get in touch with someone. No one answers, I leave two ovoicemails, call every number listed online for the police department. No one can help me figure it out. They have no record of an incident at my apartment.
I call my landlord, she has no idea anything is happening. I call my roommate Leah, and she has not heard anything. Luckily, she works downtown so she runs home, but nothing is wrong at the house- no windows are broken, the doors are still locked, and her bike is still out back. I am clueless (and still terrified haha).
I finally got in touch with someone almost two hours later. I have been near tears at the office trying to figure out what the hell is going on and feeling helpless. Well, it turns out that the property management group at the place I lived this summer on James Island still has my name on the lease agreement as the current tenant, even though I never signed the lease (remember that's why I moved out). I told the officer that maybe my name was on it because maybe they had not replaced it because no one had moved in yet... However, he laughed and explained that someone is living there because this new tenant had a raging party last weekend and something bad happened so the police are investigating the incident.
I am finally breathing one big sigh of relief! It was so frustrating not being able to get any information and answers. Understandably, I have not gotten a thing done at work this afternoon but thankfully everything is okay and I am not involved in the situation at all!!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Merry Christmas!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Informercial Gold

Monday, December 7, 2009
Online Shopping
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Best Macaroni and Cheese Ever

Courtesy of Alton Brown on the Food Network. This recipe is delicious!
- 1/2 pound elbow macaroni
- 3 tablespoons butter
- 3 tablespoons flour
- 1 tablespoon powdered mustard
- 3 cups milk
- 1/2 cup yellow onion, finely diced
- 1 bay leaf
- 1/2 teaspoon paprika
- 1 large egg
- 12 ounces sharp cheddar, shredded
- 1 teaspoon kosher salt
- Fresh black pepper
- 3 tablespoons butter
- 1 cup panko bread
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
In a large pot of boiling, salted water cook the pasta to al dente.
While the pasta is cooking, in a separate pot, melt the butter. Whisk in the flour and mustard and keep it moving for about five minutes. Make sure it's free of lumps. Stir in the milk, onion, bay leaf, and paprika. Simmer for ten minutes and remove the bay leaf.
Temper in the egg. Stir in 3/4 of the cheese. Season with salt and pepper. Fold the macaroni into the mix and pour into a 2-quart casserole dish. Top with remaining cheese.
Melt the butter in a saute pan and toss the bread crumbs to coat. Top the macaroni with the bread crumbs. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and rest for five minutes before serving.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Merry Christmas from PURE
Sunday, November 29, 2009
White Elephant

My cousins and I are having a White Elephant gift exchange over the Christmas Holidays. We did it last year, and it was hysterical. Someone walked away with an old retainer, another person used tennis shoes. . . This year, however, you are only allowed to bring gifts that you purchased from infomercials. It is pretty much guaranteed to be another great success. However, I still need to get my "prize!" Has anyone seen any great "as seen on TV" gag gifts lately? Ideas and suggestions greatly encouraged!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Monday, November 23, 2009
The Car Fairy
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Worst first date ever. . .
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Ginger People
Penne with Asparagus and Peas
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Make Over 2
Monday, November 9, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Insurance School
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!!

Taking absentmindedness to a new level
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Proposal
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Happy Fall Y'all!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I love crabbing!

Friday, October 16, 2009
Make Over
Monday, October 12, 2009
Just another day on Rutledge Avenue....
Monday, September 28, 2009
Book Club

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Are you there, blog? It's me, Mary Loyal.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
1-888 vs 1-800
Bring the Rain
Monday, August 3, 2009
Shark Week

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wedding Bells!!
One of my best friends is getting married!!!! Wilson proposed to Tippins today on the beach at Isle of Palms! I am beyond thrilled for them to have this "happily ever after" ending-- I know that they will be perfect together. They are a wonderful pair, and I wish them all the best as they begin a new chapter in their lives.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
July 23?
Sunday, June 28, 2009
"The Voice Claims Another Victim" by Cal Thomas
"The first thing that should be acknowledged about South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford's admission to an extramarital affair is that it could happen to any of us. That is not an excuse (and no, it has not happened to me, or to my wife). Every married person has heard the voice; the one that says you deserve something "better."
Gov. Sanford should have been familiar with the voice because of the Bible studies he attended. The voice began seducing humanity a long time ago. It told our first parents that they needed more than the perfection of Eden. The voice told them that God knew that if they ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil they would be like God. But they already were like God, because they were made in His image.
Stick with me you secularists and non-literalists, because there is a point to be made for you, too.
Psychiatrists explain that married people tire of one another after 10 or 20 years (it used to be seven years, as in that Marilyn Monroe/Tom Ewell film "The Seven Year Itch." Must be inflation.). Good marriages are the result of hard work. Forsaking all others is more than a wedding promise. It is a daily denial of one's lower instincts. Temptation is everywhere. The key to overcoming it is to realize you are fighting an adversarial force that wants to destroy you, embarrass you and cause ridicule to be heaped on the God you claim to worship.
One can make excuses about power and loneliness and starting out as a friendship that develops into something else, as Gov. Sanford rambled on about, but one can't explain adultery. It is what it is and the person who commits it should be calling on God for mercy, not the voters for understanding.
I once asked evangelist Billy Graham if he experienced temptations of the flesh when he was young. He said, "of course." How did he deal with them? With passion he responded, "I asked God to strike me dead before He ever allowed me to dishonor Him in that way." That is the kind of seriousness one needs to overcome the temptations of a corrupt culture in which shameful behavior is too often paraded in the streets.
There was a time when a divorce would disqualify someone from public office. Now people admit affairs and expect to stay in office. "It's just sex," said defenders of Bill Clinton. One might as well say, "it was just a gun" that killed my spouse. Adultery wounds in ways a bullet cannot. One can potentially heal from a bullet wound, but a shot to the soul and to the trust that must be central to any marriage is nearly impossible to repair. The wounded spouse always wonders, "Will he/she do it again?"
A relationship most promise to venerate "until death us do part" is damaged by adultery, whether it's a TV evangelist, a politician or a regular Joe who violates the marriage bed. In fact, we rarely even use the word "adultery" anymore because it sounds so, uh, biblical, and those teachings and commands long ago fell out of fashion, though they work for those who embrace them.
Any man who claims never to have had thoughts of straying is a liar. Any man who has sought the help of God and other men in helping him to honor his marriage promises to his wife and children is a hero, especially in today's morally exhausted culture.
I miss Paul Harvey and his acknowledgement of those who had been married 50, 60, even 70 years. Those people are my role models. I'm sure they heard the voice, too, but they told it to get lost and it did. Pushing against weights builds up the body, pushing against the voice builds up the soul and improves a marriage. You can never take a marriage -- or the voice -- for granted; it's always on the prowl looking for new people to destroy."
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Cola Trip
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Luci Goosie
Monday, June 8, 2009
No more excuses
Friday, June 5, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Busy Beeee
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Bad Luck Bananas
My family is in the Keys for my graduation present, and I learned something very important today--- do not take bananas on a boat. I grabbed a banana for breakfast before my dad and I went offshore fishing. As I put it in my bag, he quickly said “Don’t take that on the boat! You must eat it before we leave the dock!” I laughed, and thought he was crazy as he went on the explain the “social more” of taking naners on the boat. Apparently, to many fisherman around the world, there is nothing unluckier than a banana on a boat.
According to some site I googled,
“The origin of this superstition is uncertain, but many believe that it began in olden times, when bananas were transported by rickety, overcrowded, top-heavy boats plying the tropics (now known as cruise ships). These boats would frequently sink, leaving behind a residue of floating yellow commas, thus leading witnesses to deduce that hauling bananas was unlucky. A more scientific explanation is that since bananas give off ethylene gas when they ripen, it causes other perishable foodstuffs to spoil more quickly. This expended-gas theory could be why it’s also considered unlucky to have a politician on board. Yet another theory suggests that crates of bananas would also contain unwanted pests, such as spiders, snakes, flies, mice and Beanie Babies.”
“In the early 1700’s, during the height of the Spanish’s South Atlantic and Caribbean trading empire, it was observed that nearly every ship that disappeared at sea and did not make its destination was carrying a cargo of bananas. This gave rise to the belief that hauling bananas was a dangerous prospect.”
I had no idea this superstition existed, nor do I particularly believe in superstitions, but I thought it was pretty entertaining and worth a mention….
Though, it is important furthermore to note that yesterday, when I ate one on the boat, we got SKUNKED! NO FISH! Maybe its true!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Hurricane May Lo
Friday, May 15, 2009
School's out for summer.... School's out forever!!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs...
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The "Lasts"

It has been a while since my last post, but with the semester winding down, things have been super busy! Exactly two weeks from today, I will be a Wofford College alum. Weird.